Trip canceled

That was rough and disappointing. I would’ve came back to Switzerland for a 10-day visit on October 3rd, but since the Federal Counsil put Iceland on Switzerland’s list of high-risk countries, that doesn’t seem possible anymore. There’s no point in following a strict quarantine for 10 days, just to come back to Iceland and quarantine for 5 more days and take two tests.

It’s particularly frustrating, because Iceland has had between 0 and 6 infections per day for months now (14-day incident per 100’000 inhabitants: around 10). And then, around 2 weeks ago, there was this big new outbreak and numbers jumped from 6 infections per day to 75 per day in 6 days (14-day incident per 100’000 inhabitants now: around 110).

So, basically, I can understand that Switzerland’s put Iceland on its list.

And yet the whole thing seems somewhat hypocritical. Once again, Switzerland seems to be looking for the problem abroad rather than within itself, because that’s simply the easier way. And there’s a couple of reasons why I jump to this conclusion:

  1. Switzerland has >60 cases (14-day incident per 100’000 inhabitants) and should therefore, by Switzerland’s own definition of a high-risk country, land on its own list. Yet no actions are being taken.
  2. Since Switzerland has loosened almost all measures in June, it does close to nothing to prevent further spreading of the disease. Practically no ban on gatherings, no restrictions applying to bars/clubs, all shops open, no more teleworking…
  3. It seems at least questionable to set the threshold that makes a country a high-risk country solely based on the 14-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants. Switzerland tests about 12’000 inhabitants per day (about 0.15% of its population). Iceland tests about 2’600 inhabitants per day (about 0.80% of its population), so more than 5 times more. The positivity rate in Iceland is constantly lower than in Switzerland. So there’s a good chance, that it’s actually safer here than in Switzerland.
  4. And – let’s put the current pandemic aside – Switzerland’s politicians simply have a history of blaming everybody else for Switzerland’s problems. Years of deficits in various social insurances? Only because of the Balkanese, who rip us off (and of course not at all because of the budget cuts and false incentives). Long-term unemployed Swiss? Only the fault of the immigrants, because „they took are jurrrrs“ (it is out of question that it could be because the Swiss simply did not attend any further training for 40 years and is now overwhelmed by operating a computer). Traffic jam on the highway and full trains? All because of the foreigners that flood our country and abuse its infrastructure (in no way because of a questionable mobility behavior of the Swiss).

I could go on, but let’s leave the rant like this. “I’m just playing, Switzerland – you know I love you”. And I really hope I can come back any time soon!

What are your thoughts on Switzerland’s current measures regarding the pandemic?

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